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HomeDiplomatGuyana officially takes up seat on UN Security Council

Guyana officially takes up seat on UN Security Council

Guyana officially became a member of the United Nations Security Council today, and will serve one of the most important UN organs for the next two years as a non-permanent member.

During the flag installation ceremony at the UN headquarters in New York this afternoon, Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Carloyn Rodrigues-Birkett, thanked the UN General Assembly for giving Guyana the opportunity to serve on the Security Council.

She promised that Guyana will be one of the leading voices on the Council to ensure that peace and security are maintained across the world.

The Ambassador said the task of maintaining international peace and security is growing increasingly complex with multi-dimensional challenges. She said the Security Council is therefore compelled to be proactive in addressing potentional sources of conflict and come up with a comprehensive response to existing conflicts. 

“Guyana will be constructive in our approach to the work of the Council, fully committed to the partnerships for the peace and prosperity of the world’s people. We will seek a people-centered approach including the involvement of women and youth in the search for solutions,” Ms. Birkett told the flag installation Ceremony.

Guyana joins Algeria, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone and Slovenia as new members on the Security Council. 

Guyana has long said it will use its seat on the UN Security Council to champion a number of global issues and to also raise the ongoing territorial controversy with neighboring Venezuela.

“Guyana has never wavered in its commitment to multilateralism and to promoting and the principles and purposes of the United Nations. Guyana’s pledge therefore, led by His Excellency, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, is to be guided by the firm adherence to the rule of international law including the charter of the United Nations and to continue to work collaboratively to strengthen universal peace and security for a better world,” Ms. Birkett said.

Meanwhile, the Permanent Representative of France to the UN, Nicolas de Rivière, who has taken over the Presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of January has welcomed Guyana and the other members to the Security Council.  

“Sitting in the Security Council is both an honor and responsibility, especially at a time when regional crisis are multiplying, particularly the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa. We are looking forward to working with you for the two coming years, to implement the mandate of this Council, preserving international peace and to security and to defend multilateralism respectful of the values of the UN Charter,” the incoming Security Council President said.

The UN Security Council is made up of 15 countries, five of which – China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States – are Permanent members, granting them the right to veto any resolution or decision of the Council.

Source: News Sourcegy

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